In the Spirit of Things

I was off this past 4th of July.

This year things haven’t felt like they used to be. There was a lot of changes for me.

Some sad and somethings are just different because how the world is.

I used to love the 4th Of July! I would run to the nearest firework stand and buy fire crackers, jumping jacks and bottle rockets.

This year I thought what If I pretended….I was excited about it being the 4th of July! What If I ran to the fireworks stand even thought I am older now? What if I bought some bottle rockets?

I got some bottle rockets and proceeded to light them off and to my own amazement I started having a really good time! I was laughing and just really enjoying lighting off the fireworks.

It felt like a real Holiday! I was amazed! It felt like home again. My neighbor saw me having such a great time even though I was celebrating alone that he invited me to their Holiday party!

I thought it was a great gesture that my neighbor had invited me to the party but I don’t want to be in a crowd with corona and all so I didn’t go. I did sit back and reflect how just getting those fire works really got me into the Spirt of the holiday! I wanted to share the story maybe it will put you into the Holiday Spirt.

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