Six pack Abs and a Million dollars!

Admit it! You want six pack Abs!

Whether you are a man or a woman Six pack Abs will look great on you. you look around and you might notice only a few people have six pack Abs. Most people are fat and out of shape and they don’t know how or why they don’t have Six Pack Abs!

How Do you get Six Pack ABS?

P90x has the recipe to get Six Pack ABS. All you have to do is watch their videos and follow along with the video and in 90 Days or more depending on your current fitness level you can have Six Pack ABS. It’s so easy! It’s ridiculous! Why doesn’t everyone have Six Pack Abs? It’s much easier to sit on the couch and eat cake isn’t it? Isn’t it easy to say well….I put in that video and I am too fat! I got a bum knee! It’s too hot! It’s too cold! I am too tired! I got other things to do! Stranger things is on! That is what most people do! So you can have Six Pack Abs or you can sit on the couch eat cake and watch stranger things. What do you want to do?

I want to be a Millionaire!!!

Imagine laughing at $5.00 a gallon gas prices as you admire your Lamborghini Aventador parked out front in front of your mansion! It’s the same exact thing as getting the Six Pack Abs! You can find a structure or a system how to be a millionaire! What do people do? They buy the book! They are very excited! I am going to be a millionaire! I am tired of this old poor life! Those days are behind me! They open the book page one……man! I don’t like to read! Stranger things is on! Let me go eat some cake! Maybe they read a chapter….chapter 1 says something like to be a millionaire you have to spend 8 hours a day looking for customers. 8 hours a day! Heck no! I am not doing that! This book is garbage! Let me take a nap. Then years, months or decades go buy their struggling, their fat, they have tons of debt and they say why has life been so unkind to me? Man! Look at that guy or girl down the road! They are blessed! They have a Lamborghini, six pack Abs and a mansion! Why couldn’t my life be like that?

Yankee Candle founder

I read recently the Yankee Candle Founder passed away. His Son put up his 26 million dollar Mansion for sale. I was amazed as I read the details of this mansion, a movie theater, a kitchen that can support 13 chefs, a water park, a bowling alley a gym and more. Have you seen that thing?

As I read about the yankee candle guy I found out that’s actually his small mansion! He had a much bigger one that isn’t for sale. The Yankee candle guy was not born rich! He decided to make candles, He committed to it and then He became rich.

So How how you become a millionaire and Get Six pack Abs? Exactly as Tony Horton Describes in P90x. 1. Decide 2. Commit 3. Achieve

“Do The thing have the power“ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Think like a Caveman

The other day One of my headlights burned out. I followed the replacement instructions carefully but I got stuck and what the instructions said to do wasn’t working. I was frustrated. I thought What would a caveman do? I put my hand in the socket area and pretended to be a Cave Man I was able to change the light in a matter of a couple of minutes. I thought wow! This is amazing! I then started listening to this book called “Effortless” and in the book he says it’s often better to take the path of least resistance to stop and think “How can I make this easier?” I thought this is a really great lesson and I wanted to share it.

The Greatness Code

I just watched the Majority of The Greatness Code.

I thought their must be 4 constant take aways I can come up with while watching the greatness code.

What are the 4 take aways from the Greatness code?

1. Visualize the goal you want to accomplish

2. Believe you can do it.

3. They all had a nervousness or pressure to achieve

4. Let go of the results

In the Spirit of Things

I was off this past 4th of July.

This year things haven’t felt like they used to be. There was a lot of changes for me.

Some sad and somethings are just different because how the world is.

I used to love the 4th Of July! I would run to the nearest firework stand and buy fire crackers, jumping jacks and bottle rockets.

This year I thought what If I pretended….I was excited about it being the 4th of July! What If I ran to the fireworks stand even thought I am older now? What if I bought some bottle rockets?

I got some bottle rockets and proceeded to light them off and to my own amazement I started having a really good time! I was laughing and just really enjoying lighting off the fireworks.

It felt like a real Holiday! I was amazed! It felt like home again. My neighbor saw me having such a great time even though I was celebrating alone that he invited me to their Holiday party!

I thought it was a great gesture that my neighbor had invited me to the party but I don’t want to be in a crowd with corona and all so I didn’t go. I did sit back and reflect how just getting those fire works really got me into the Spirt of the holiday! I wanted to share the story maybe it will put you into the Holiday Spirt.

The Devil Made you do it.

I have been recently watching the show Lucifer. In the show Lucifer does a clever trick.

He asks people what is your deepest desire usually in a crowd and when the person responds the crowd makes fun of them.

Usually fighting and chaos Erupts and Lucifer smiles and walks away.

This is also done in real life all the time! Your shown horrible stories on the news, or someone says something that is absolutely insane! Or maybe you read a post that really makes your blood boil.

People react and chaos erupts Lucifer smiles and walks away.

Just because someone throws you the ball doesn’t mean you have to catch it.

Lucifer wants you to get angry! He wants to make your blood boil! He wants you to react in the most insane chaotic way possible.

Then he will smile and walk away. The ball reference was from a book I read but I can’t remember the title.

Right now I believe this is happening more then ever so just remember you can step away you don’t have to catch the ball.

3% man by Corey Wayne

I got 3% man by Corey Wayne and I have

read a lot about Persuasion and Hypnosis

and communication so I thought it’s going

to be nothing new here. I was wrong! I

am almost finished listening to the book

and really it has had a lot of desirable

effects. I feel reading the book will

give any guy more confidence immediately.

Also the book helps you understand what

Women want and how to have a really

good relationship. It puts you in a position

of power. Your able to just have fun

enjoyable conversation and it not being

a big deal. Also I can recognize guys doing

things wrong and not realizing it.

Today I saw a guy on a date and he tried

to project certain attributes on to his date

that just was not her. She said to him we

are not the same! He wasn’t listening to her

he was not understanding her and then

when she told him how did he react?

he said what do you mean? What are you

saying? As if it were her fault. This is just

a small example on things guys can do

wrong. Had he been doing the right things

from the beginning then he would of

known that this woman was not on the

same page as him and he would not have

been in that position. It was all his fault

yet he was blaming the woman for his

inability to understand her. I recommend

the book if your looking to understand

women and have better relationships with

women….really it’s great!

The One Thing

I had joined a online class and it was about

goal setting. First it said pick a goal and

stop doing all the other stuff your doing.

At first I was very resistant to the idea. I am

reading 10 books….meditating and 1,000

other things and I am supposed to do just

one thing! This is an outrage I thought!

The class recommended a daily meditation

and focusing on your one goal. I decided to

do it. I discovered this is actually a very

good way to go about accomplishing goals.

I completed a online class using that

method and decided I will use

this method for future goals. I also started

reading The Miracle Club and what was his

main advice in the book? Pick one goal!

he also mentioned the works with faith

is dead and faith without works is dead.

Of course I have had some things work out

with very little effort on my part but I find

things work a lot better if I put some

Serious work into it along with faith and

expectation. This is just something I

wanted to share.

What Is The Consequence Of X?

I recently asked a internet guru what is the

Consequence of X? He said you know what

is funny? Your asking what is the

consequence of X but what about the

Consequences of A-W? He said for example

if you have a girlfriend your going to have

to spend time with her and have sex her.

A consequence doesn’t have to be a bad consequence

What About The Haters?

I recently posted a story on my personal face book page.

The story doesn’t matter. I like to write, talk

and share the experience just for the sake

of it. I don’t even care if I get a response.

After I had shared a story a cough cough

Cough “friend” kind of slammed my story.

I thought what is that about? A hater on my

own Facebook page? I have nothing but

friends and fans! Why the hater? then I

thought it’s sorta my own fault. I decided to

share the story. So people can choose not to

understand it or to be upset by it or think

of it in a completely different way then I

intended and I can’t control that. I just have

To accept sometimes even my friends can

be haters! It’s just a random thought that

people on here might appreciate.

Believe In yourself

I didn’t plan on writing today. This woman

had posted that people should “Find their

passion” and she also said basically “skills

don’t matter”. She was saying some people

are just lucky and some are just failures….

after all why is it some people can be

successful and others doing the same job

are dirt poor? I said I have an answer! I can

tell you exactly why! The people that are

successful believe in themselves. What I

find interesting is the reason you want to

keep quiet about your new endeavors is

because if you don’t keep quiet people will

try to knock you down! What makes you

think your so special? You will never

accomplish that ridiculous goal! Not just

anyone can just wake up and decide they

are going to do that! Your living in a

fantasy world! Your a joke! So what if you

take that then what happens you fail! If

you believe in yourself and show up

Saying hey six months ago I decided to do

this and now I am certified and am making

lots of money then no one can deny you.

your doing it… made it happen. So

I said the secret to great accomplishment

isn’t “find your passion” it isn’t follow your

bliss” I say it’s to create your passion create

your bliss. I remember thinking about the

Singer Cardi B….she was a stripper in a

night club when someone said to her “your

a great singer”! Was it true? Who knows?

she believed that person who told her she

was a great singer! She stopped stripping

and now she is a multimillionaire! She

didn’t have the belief in herself….someone

else gave her the belief and then she

accepted it.

The secret of success is to believe in
